Saturday, July 16, 2011


Tonight this night Iam trying to put her life on two pieces of cardboard. 32  years on two freaking pieces of card board!!! How?? i mean really HOW the hell can you do that?? A life time of dreams,happiness,heartbreak ,accomplishments,disappointments ambition,fail er,joy,excitement on two freaken pieces of card board!!!! ~~ i have in front of me a picture of the day she was born and a picture from the night before she died. Its what goes between those two that is breaking my heart right now. The story's that took her from an innocent  chubby cheeked new born to... to... i cant even type it cause that's not her... that's not who she was..... it was what she had become in the end. i don't want to finish these two pieces of card board I don't want to sum up her life . but i must.... so tonight this night i will say good bye baby sister tonight this night iam heart broken..................................

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Today i picked out a piece of pottery to put my baby sister into forever. how do you pick that out? Today i  threw away her shoes. while doing it i remember putting her shoes on as a baby, buying her a pair of "high" heels for a dance and laughing at those gawd forsaken shoes i threw away today. today i cryed.... today was hard